Bootcamp Program

Join a Spy Hop Bootcamp to elevate your media arts skills and ignite your creativity. Dive into the world of film or audio, from documentaries to music journalism, you will gain hands-on experience! Develop your storytelling abilities and showcase your work to the world. Our fast-paced classes focus on skill-building and offer an intense, passionate learning environment to fuel your creativity alongside your peers.

Current and Upcoming Bootcamp Classes

Film | 
June 3 – June 21
Monday – Friday | 9AM – 3PM

Ages 15 - 19

Tell your story to the world: no film experience needed! In Reel Stories, you will write, direct, and edit your own five-minute documentary film that speaks to who you are.
Audio, Music | 
June 10 – July 31
Monday/Wednesday | 4 – 6PM

Ages 15 - 19

Make some noise! Write music reviews, interview musicians, use recording equipment, and contribute to a fully youth-crated community music zine!

Fill out the form to apply for Bootcamp.

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