Lab Time during COVID

In-Person Lab Time COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Lab Time* gives students the opportunity to work in-person with their mentor on their projects in a safe environment. By scheduling lab time students will also have access to Spy Hop’s new studios, specialized gear, software, and computers. Lab Time will be limited to 2 students per mentor to allow for COVID safety measures. Lab Time is available in 1.5 hour blocks on Fridays that will be scheduled directly with their mentor. Students must sign an in-person waiver before entering the Spy Hop facilities.

*Lab Time is not a requirement for the class, it is available to those students who would like the opportunity for in-person instruction and are able to adhere to the policies to do so safely. All classes and workshops can be completed entirely online.

Spy Hop staff and students will adhere to the following COVID-19 policies:

  • COIVD-19 In-person policy signed prior to first visit
  • Topical temperature check of all people (students & staff) entering the facility.
  • Students will be asked about current health status such as if they have experienced fevers, coughs or shortness of breath.
  • No person shall be allowed to enter the facility if they have signs of illness.
  • Documentation of all people (students & staff) entering the facility.
  • Clean face coverings worn by all people entering the facility, and at all times. Spy Hop can provide face coverings, as needed.
  • Social distance of 6 feet maintained by all people in the facility, where available.
  • Use of hand sanitizer and proper hand washing expected upon entering the facility, before and after restroom use, and before and after the use of equipment.
  • All equipment will be sanitized before and after use.
  • Spy Hop staff, students and parents/guardians will be notified immediately if a participant or staff member tests positive for COVID-19.
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