Reel Stories

What’s your story?

REEL Stories gives you the chance to tell your story to the world. You will write, direct, and edit your own, five-minute documentary film that speaks to who you are, what you’re into, and where you live. If you have the passion and dedication to give to us, we will give back intensive training in pre-production, shooting, sound design, and editing. Reel Stories will be offered as an in-person daily workshop (Monday – Thursday) at the Kahlert Youth Media Arts Center. At the end of the class, your finished film will premiere in a community screening complete with audience Q & A. No prior film experience is needed.

What Happens in this Class:

  • Learn the basics of documentary filmmaking including conceptualizing an idea and style, camera, sound, interviewing techniques, and editing
  • Develop and produce your own 5-minute documentary project
  • Explore, investigate, and creatively interpret a story that you care about in your community
  • Work together as a small class to support each other’s projects, giving and receiving feedback, helping with shoots, and reflecting on the process together
  • Share your film at a community screening and Q&A

Access to Gear and Technology Matters

We believe that access to high-quality gear, technology, and equipment should not be a barrier to being an active participant in your community. Spy Hop provides professional gear and software for all participating students in classes at the Kahlert Youth Media Art Center. Professional gear is available to rent for FREE for students who may need to use gear and equipment outside of class time for assignments and special projects.

Please review Spy Hop’s Gear Check-Out Policies.

Current and Upcoming Sessions

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