Narrative Games
Love storytelling and video games? Create your own story-driven adventures, like as text-based games or visual novels using Twine and GameMaker.
Love storytelling and video games? Create your own story-driven adventures, like as text-based games or visual novels using Twine and GameMaker.
Work together in groups to write, shoot, and edit a short film — plus you will learn all the different roles and positions on set.
Take your original song ideas from shower singing to performing! Learn all about chord progressions, lyric writing, singing, and performing.
Learn the ins and outs of how to run a recording studio: get familiar with the tech, equipment, and recording techniques. Plus, you will study the basics of mixing!
The April Variety Pack class will dive into short-story filming, writing music in GarageBand, animation, and foley sound fx for animation!
Unleash your creativity in Intro to Cosplay! In this beginner class, learn the basics of designing costumes inspired by your favorite characters (or your own designs!)
Learn how to rock in a band! Collaborate with other musicians, write music, and perform! Basic ability to play an instrument required.
Join Set Production to start your journey: spend four weeks learning the basics of crew roles, set protocol, film blocking, production design, editing, and more!
Experiment with green screens, learn to record music, try out vox pop podcasting and radio, and learn to make pins in this four week class!
Craft both physical zines and digital webcomics, tell exciting stories and even branch into choose-your-own-adventure tales. Bring your comic ideas to life!
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