Tune in for a sound effect workshop and learn from Connor all the ways that sound tells stories. In the first video you will learn how to make your sound effects at home using objects around the house! Then learn how to tell your own story using Foley and free software.
Please send us a photo or two of creations when you are finished artshop@spyhop.org or tag us #spyhopartshop on social media.If you have any questions feel free to email our team!
Part 1
Follow along with Connor as he reveals the secrets behind how good sound effects are made for movies! Learn how to make your own sound effects using simple tools and ingredients in your house.
Materials and Downloads Needed:
- Computer
- Pen or pencil Paper
- Household objects such as cans, pillows, dried pasta, rice, etc.! (you get to be creative!)
- An audience to share your custom sound effects with
Part 2
In this lesson Connor teaches the basics of the FREE audio editing software Audacity. This video is a starting point for other audio editing videos on the Spy Hop Art Shop.
Materials and Downloads Needed:
- Computer with internet access
- .Mp3 Music File on computer
- Optional Music Downloads
Part 3
Coming Soon!